R2 electronics recycling certification for responsible practices

R2 Recycling Certification – Responsible Electronics Recycling

Avoid contributing to irresponsible recycling that leads to soil and water contamination. Understanding what R2 recycling is will help you determine where to donate your old or outdated electronic devices.

Computer donation and electronics recycling

New Life Technology Group gathered information about R2 recycling, why it is crucial to environmental preservation, how it influences electronics recycling practices, and how certification is obtained.

What is R2 Recycling Certification?

R2 electronics recycling certification logo

R2 recycling certification encompasses standards developed by Sustainable Electronics Recycling International (SERI) to ensure electronic waste responsible management. This certification covers all recycling processes, including collection, transportation, processing, and electronic equipment and components resale. Recyclers must undergo a rigorous auditing process by accredited third-party certifying bodies to obtain R2 certification.

R2 Certification Components

Environmental Responsibility – R2-certified recyclers must comply with strict environmental regulations and best practices to minimize electronic waste impacts on the environment. This includes proper hazardous material handling, pollution prevention, and non-recyclable material responsible disposal.

Health and Safety – R2 certification emphasizes protecting workers’ health and safety throughout the recycling process. Certified recyclers must implement comprehensive safety protocols, provide appropriate employee training, and maintain safe working conditions in recycling facilities.

Data Security – Data security is a critical concern in electronics recycling (many devices contain sensitive or personal information). R2-certified recyclers must implement robust data sanitization processes to ensure all data stored on recycled devices is securely erased before resale or recycling.

Legal Compliance – R2-certified recyclers must adhere to all relevant laws and regulations governing electronic waste recycling and disposal domestically and internationally. This includes compliance with export controls, import restrictions, and waste disposal regulations in all jurisdictions where they operate.

Transparency and Accountability – Transparency and accountability are fundamental R2 certification program principles. Certified recyclers must maintain detailed recycling activity records, undergo regular audits by accredited certifying bodies, and provide transparent reporting on their environmental and social performance.

Why is R2 Certification Important for Electronics Recyclers?

Obtaining R2 certification is essential for responsible electronics recyclers for several common-sense reasons. Consider the following:

Credibility and Trust – R2 certification is widely recognized as indicating excellence in the electronics recycling industry. By obtaining R2 certification, recyclers demonstrate their commitment to responsible recycling practices and build trust with customers, partners, and their community.

Legal Compliance – Compliance with environmental, health, and safety regulations is an electronics recycler’s legal requirement. R2 certification provides a framework for ensuring compliance with these regulations and mitigating legal and regulatory penalty risks.

R2 electronics recycling legal compliance

Market Access – Many businesses and government agencies require their electronics recyclers to be R2 certified as a condition to conduct business. By obtaining R2 certification, recyclers gain access to new markets and opportunities for growth.

Environmental Stewardship – Electronic waste poses significant environmental risks when not managed properly. R2 certification helps recyclers minimize these risks by promoting responsible recycling practices, reducing pollution and waste, and conserving valuable resources.

Data Security – Protecting sensitive data is a top priority for businesses and consumers. R2 certification ensures recyclers have robust data security protocols to safeguard against data breaches and protect consumer privacy.

How To Obtain R2 Recycling Certification

Obtaining R2 (Responsible Recycling) certification involves several steps requiring adherence to strict standards set forth by Sustainable Electronics Recycling International (SERI), the organization responsible for managing the R2 certification program. Consider the following process:

Know R2 Standards – Before seeking certification, thoroughly review the R2 Standard, which outlines requirements and best practices for responsible electronics recycling. The standard covers various aspects of the recycling process, including environmental responsibility, health and safety, data security, legal compliance, and transparency.

Assess Current Practices – Thoroughly assess current recycling practices to identify gaps or areas where improvements are needed to meet R2 certification requirements. This may involve evaluating your environmental management systems, health and safety protocols, data security measures, and documentation practices.

Develop a Management System – Develop a comprehensive management system that aligns with the R2 Standard requirements. This may include implementing policies, procedures, and processes to ensure compliance with environmental regulations, protect worker health and safety, secure data, and maintain transparency and accountability in recycling operations.

Train Your Staff – Provide training and education to your staff, ensuring they understand their roles and responsibilities in maintaining compliance with R2 certification requirements. Training should cover environmental management, health and safety protocols, data security procedures, and record-keeping practices.

R2 electronics recycling staff training

Implement Necessary Infrastructure and Equipment – Ensure you possess necessary infrastructure, equipment, and resources to support R2-compliant recycling operations. This may include investing in facilities for electronic waste handling and processing (including equipment for data sanitization, material separation, and environmental controls).

Conduct Internal Audits – Regularly conduct internal audits to assess your compliance with R2 certification requirements and identify any areas for improvement. Internal audits should be performed by trained personnel familiar with R2 Standards and your management system.

Select an Accredited Certification Body – Choose an accredited certification body to perform an (independent) audit of your recycling operations and assess your compliance with the R2 Standard. SERI maintains an accredited certification body list authorized to conduct R2 certification audits.

Schedule and Prepare for the Certification Audit – Schedule a certification audit with your chosen certification body and prepare thoroughly by reviewing your documentation, conducting internal audits, and addressing any non-conformities or areas for improvement identified during the audit process.

Undergo the Certification Audit – During the certification audit, auditors from the certification body will review your recycling operations, documentation, and management systems to verify compliance with R2 Standards. This may include site visits, staff interviews, and records and documentation review.

Address Non-Conformities – If any non-conformities are identified during the audit, promptly address them and implement corrective actions to bring your operations into compliance with R2 certification requirements.

Receive R2 Certification – Upon completion of the certification audit and resolution of any non-conformities, you will receive R2 certification, indicating that your electronics recycling operations meet R2 Standard requirements. Certification is typically valid for a specified period, after which you will undergo periodic surveillance audits to maintain certification.

Following these steps and adhering to R2 Standard requirements, electronics recyclers can obtain R2 certification and demonstrate their commitment to responsible recycling practices, environmental stewardship, and compliance with industry standards.

Watch this video to see New Life Technology’s donation and recycling process.

R2 Recycling Certification

In this article, you discovered an R2 recycling definition, why it is crucial for recyclers, and how to become a certified electronics recycler.

Selecting R2 certified recyclers when you want to donate or throw away old electronics is a safe and responsible thing to do for the environment.

Simply throwing out old electronics or using non-certified recyclers can land them in landfills, allowing further soil and water contamination.


  New Life Technology Group

    253 Grogan Dr #120
    Dawsonville, GA 30534
    (404) 313-8215
Donated electronic waste or ewaste is recycled and refurbished

What is E-Waste – Everything You Need to Know

Looking for an e-waste definition that makes sense? Understanding electronic waste, its environmental impacts, and how your stewardship is crucial to responsible e-waste recycling will help keep toxins and rare earth metals out of landfills and clean water sources.

Nonprofit electronic waste or ewaste recycler

New Life Technology Group gathered information to help define e-waste, understand its environmental repercussions, and provide a sensible approach to how you can responsibly recycle it.

E-Waste Definition

E-waste refers to discarded electronic devices or appliances, including computers, smartphones, tablets, televisions, printers, and kitchen appliances. These devices often contain hazardous materials such as lead, mercury, cadmium, and brominated flame retardants, which pose severe risks to human health and the environment if not properly managed.

Examples of E-Waste

E-waste devices include, but are not limited to:

Smartphones and Tablets – With the rapid pace of technological innovation, many users frequently upgrade their smartphones and tablets, leading to the disposal of older devices.

Computers and Laptops – As technology evolves, older computers and laptops become obsolete, contributing to the accumulation of e-waste.

electronic waste or ewaste consists of electronic devices computers and laptops

Televisions and Monitors – With the shift to flat-screen televisions and monitors, older cathode ray tube (CRT) TVs and monitors are often discarded, adding to e-waste volumes.

Home Appliances – Kitchen appliances such as refrigerators, microwaves, and washing machines contain electronic components and become e-waste at the end of their lifespan.

Electronic Waste – Negative Environmental Impacts

E-waste poses significant environmental challenges due to the toxic substances contained within electronic devices. Improper disposal methods, such as landfilling or incineration, can release harmful chemicals into the air, soil, and waterways. Some e-waste environmental impacts include:

Soil and Water Contamination – Hazardous substances from e-waste can leach into the soil and water, contaminating ecosystems and posing risks to plant and animal life.

Air Pollution – Burning e-waste releases toxic fumes and particulate matter into the air, contributing to air pollution and respiratory problems in humans.

Resource Depletion – Electronics contain valuable materials such as gold, silver, copper, and rare earth metals. Failure to recycle these materials leads to resource depletion and increased demand for new raw materials, exacerbating environmental degradation.

Health Risks – Exposure to hazardous substances found in e-waste, such as lead and mercury, can lead to serious health issues, including neurological disorders, respiratory problems, and reproductive harm.

Watch this video for further clarity on how e-waste negatively impacts our ecosystem and what can be done to keep it out of landfills.

Environmental Stewardship – Responsible Disposal of E-Waste

Environmental stewardship is the responsibility for environmental quality shared by all individuals whose actions benefit or adversely affect the environment. This responsibility is a value reflected through individual, company, community, and government organization choices shaped by unique environmental, social, and economic interests. Consider the following for electronic waste disposal:

Reuse and Donate – Donate functional electronic devices to charities, schools, or community organizations. Many organizations accept donations of used electronics for refurbishment and reuse.

Recycling Programs – Look for certified e-waste recycling programs in your area. These programs ensure that electronic devices are recycled in an environmentally responsible manner, with hazardous materials properly handled and recovered for reuse.

Manufacturer Take-back Programs – Some electronics manufacturers offer take-back programs accepting old devices for recycling or proper disposal. Check with the manufacturer of your electronic device to see if they offer such a program.

E-Waste Collection Events – Many communities organize e-waste collection events where residents can drop off their old electronics for recycling. Check local government websites or community organizations for information about upcoming collection events in your area.

electronic waste or ewaste is collected at local events

Certified E-Waste Recyclers – When choosing where to dispose of old electronics, opt for e-waste recyclers who adhere to environmental and safety standards. Look for certifications such as R2 (Responsible Recycling) or e-Stewards to ensure responsible handling of e-waste.

Read more about environmental stewardship and how e-waste is collected and repurposed at newlifetechgroup.com/itad-sustainable-technology-and-environmental-stewardship

Watch this video to see how this nonprofit e-waste recycler collects and processes your donated electronic devices.

Electronic Waste

In this article, you discovered a definition and examples of electronic waste, how it impacts the environment, and its responsible disposal.

Responsible electronic waste disposal is fundamental to everyone’s commitment to environmental stewardship, cleaner water, and less contaminated soil.

Failure to responsibly recycle your electronic waste adds to rare-earth metal depletion, growing soil and water contamination, and more unhealthy air pollution.


New Life Technology Group

253 Grogan Dr #120
(404) 313-8215



Computer and IT Recycling
Recycling electronic waste includes data destruction

E-Recycling and E-Waste Benefits and Safety

Having doubts about how to dispose of your outdated electronics? Knowing how and where to safely donate or recycle your used electronic equipment will reduce landfill toxins and create multiple opportunities for others.

New Life Technology Group - Non-Profit Electronics Recycler

newlifetechgroup.com gathered information that clarifies what e-recycling and e-waste are and how strict data destruction protocols keep your personal information from being given to others.

Understanding E-Waste and E-Recycling

In an increasingly digital world, the proliferation of electronic devices has become a staple in modern life. From smartphones to laptops, televisions to tablets, our lives are intertwined with technology from an early age. However, this digital revolution has created growing concerns about electronic waste and electronic recycling. Consider the following definitions:

E-Waste (Electronic Waste) – Refers to outdated, discarded electronic devices and equipment no longer in use. This includes:

  • Cell phones
  • Computers
  • Televisions
  • Household appliances
  • Smart Devices

Recycling electronic waste like computers and cell phones

Electronic devices are notorious for short lifespans, and as consumers continually upgrade to newer models, the volume of e-waste continues growing.

E-Recycling (Electronic Recycling) – This is the collecting, disassembling, and recycling electronic equipment. This process allows the community to recover valuable materials and significantly reduce the environmental impact of e-waste.

Recycling IT Equipment Benefits

This practice has become increasingly crucial in a growing “eco-conscious” world, as the improper disposal of electronic devices leads to severe environmental and potential health problems. Consider the following benefits:

Resource Conservation – Electronic devices contain valuable materials, including precious metals like gold, silver, and copper. Recycling IT equipment allows for their recovery, reducing the need for new mining, excavation, and extraction. This conserves natural resources and minimizes the energy required for mining and processing, which is often energy-intensive and environmentally damaging.

Reduction of Electronic Waste – The most compelling benefit of IT recycling is the reduction of e-waste. When electronics go to landfills, they release toxic chemicals and heavy metals into the soil and groundwater, which poses significant environmental hazards. Recycling IT equipment diverts these devices from landfills and directs them towards more responsible disposal methods.

Energy Savings – The production of new electronic devices consumes significant energy. Recycling IT equipment and reusing its components can save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Job Creation – E-recycling is a growing industry providing jobs for people involved in electronic device:

  • Collection
  • Transportation
  • Refurbishment
  • Recycling
  • Sales

Recycling electronic waste creates employment opportunities

As the demand for e-recycling services grows, it creates more employment opportunities and stimulates local economies.

Data Security – Recycling IT equipment ensures that sensitive data stored on old devices is properly destroyed or securely erased. This is a critical concern for businesses and individuals who want to safeguard their information from falling into the wrong hands. Reputable e-recyclers follow stringent data security protocols to guarantee the safe handling of sensitive information.

Recycling electronic waste involves safely destroying digital data

Read more about e-recycling and data destruction here.

Environmental Protection – Improper disposal of e-waste has severe environmental repercussions. It can contaminate soil, water, and air with hazardous substances. Recycling IT equipment safeguards the environment by mitigating these risks and promoting responsible electronic waste management.

Understand how and why businesses donate their outdated electronics at newlifetechgroup.com/business-donations-to-non-profit-organizations-why-and-how/

Why Recycling IT is Safe

E-recycling is a safe and responsible practice when conducted by certified and reputable recyclers. Here are key reasons why recycling IT equipment is a secure option:

Data Security – Protecting sensitive data is paramount when recycling IT equipment. Certified e-recyclers adhere to strict data security protocols to ensure all sensitive information is securely erased or destroyed. This involves multiple levels of storage media data wiping and physical destruction to render data irretrievable.

Compliance with Regulations – Trusted e-recyclers operate in compliance with local, state, and federal regulations related to electronic waste disposal and recycling. This ensures that the recycling process meets all legal requirements and environmental standards.

Certification and Standards – E-recyclers often hold certifications, like the Responsible Recycling (R2) or e-Stewards standards, demonstrating their commitment to environmentally responsible and safe recycling practices. These standards include data security, environmental protection, and worker safety.

Environmental Responsibility – Trusted e-recyclers prioritize environmental sustainability by safely managing electronic waste and its disposal. They follow practices that significantly reduce e-waste’s environmental impact and strive to recover valuable materials from discarded devices.

Worker Safety – E-recycling facilities prioritize worker safety. They provide detailed training and personal protective equipment (PPE) to ensure employees are not exposed to harmful substances or conditions during the recycling process. Proper safety measures reduce accident and health risks.

Transparent Documentation – Responsible e-recyclers maintain detailed process records, from collection to disposal. This transparency ensures accountability and traceability throughout the equipment’s lifecycle.

Ethical Practices – E-recyclers are committed to ethical and sustainable business practices. They aim to reduce negative impacts on communities and the environment while maximizing positive social and economic outcomes of their recycling operations.

Watch this video about how e-recycling works.

Recycling E-Waste

In this article, you discovered definitions for e-recycling and e-waste and how recycling e-waste protects sensitive data and the environment.

Recycling IT equipment conserves resources, reduces e-waste, saves energy, creates jobs, and protects the environment. When done by reputable recyclers, e-recycling is a safe process ensuring secure data disposal, regulation compliance, and responsible environmental practices.

Failure to properly recycle your e-waste can exacerbate soil and water contamination while exposing sensitive data to bad actors with malicious intentions.


New Life Technology Group

Receive refurbish and resale computer and IT equipment donations

Atlanta, GA

General Inquiries: +1 (404) 313-8215
Email: info@newlifetechgroup.com
Computer and IT Recycling
Help your community by recycling old computers Nonprofit Electronic Recycling Center Atlanta Ga

Benefits Of Donating Computers To Computer Recycling Charities

What are the Benefits Of Donating Computers To Computer Recycling Charities



Meah Pettaway-Johnson, foreground, 7, works on her laptop for her school online class at Girls Inc. in Marietta on Wednesday, August 19, 2020.

As the digital landscape continues to grow, businesses must rush to keep up with the ever-evolving technology that can benefit your business. Since 2020, the growth of technological advancement has become exponential. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming mainstream and companies that don’t hurry to keep up with the advancement of technology will be left behind and be at a massive competitive disadvantage, possibly facing bankruptcy as they can’t keep up with the competition. With all these technological advancements, it will fall on the business owner to replace the outdated computers that don’t have the computing capabilities to handle the large mathematical formulas involved with new technological advancements. These up-to-date computers must be able to have the RAM and Apps to handle the requests of the new technological landscape. 

After the computers are replaced, there needs to be something that can be done with the old computers. The potential for them to end up in a landfill is not only not good for the environment, but could end up as a PR nightmare for a company. That’s where companies, like New Life Technology Group, are making a huge impact in the communities. They are partnering with organizations and working to take donations and get them into the hands of children in need. Now more than ever are computer donations to charities needed. 


Extreme Technological Growth

Cathie Wood, the CEO of Ark Invest, an investment firm focused on technology and innovation, mentioned in an interview with Steve Forbes, “We are on the cusp of one of the most disruptive innovative eras since the start of the Industrial Revolution. Traditional banking, investing, energy, auto manufacturing, and much more are in for unimaginable upheavals of the kind that shook legacy newspapers and magazines”. This interview was conducted right before the start of the pandemic, in which her ETF’s portfolio doubled in value at the height of the stock market, although now half due to strained economic conditions, still holds strong to this statement. Though the market may be softening, nothing has changed in the pace of technological growth with most of the technological innovations made by the leading tech companies. This is a green flag to savvy business owners to prepare to upgrade their company’s technology and as a smart tactic for community engagement. They can donate to electronics recycling groups, such as New Life Technology Group, that have made a pledge to locate and give computers to underprivileged children in the area. It’s a win-win!

upgrade your computer and recycle old ones

Cathie Wood talks about the growth of technology and the need to upgrade computers while recycling the old ones

Donate Outdated Computers To Computer Recycling Charities For Huge Tax Benefits

Donating your electronics to recycling charities like New Life Technology Group brings positive community engagement to your brand or storefront, and you can also write off these assets as an itemized deduction come tax season. By donating computers to qualifying charities allows you to take a tax deduction of up to 100% of your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) for contributions to qualifying charities starting in 2020. The new law temporarily lifts the limits on charitable giving from 60% of a taxpayer’s AGI to 100% for 2020. This massive tax benefit of donating computers to charitable organizations will offset the cost of buying all new equipment! 

Choose Charities Dedicated To Children, Not Profit


Now that the world is turning to remote work more than ever, schools, employers, and businesses of all sorts are turning to technology to solve the gaps caused by the pandemic. Because of this, parents who have current remote jobs with multiple kids don’t have the resources necessary to supply each of their kids with a computer while also working on one themselves. How many Atlanta area children have been left behind due to the lack of access to technology by the parents and many inner-city schools without the tax money needed to educate their students? Too many… Many of these groups rely on the kindness of charity from the community to be able to possibly fill the need for computers for children. That’s why donating to computer recycling charities is so vital nowadays!


How Does It Computer Recycling Work?


New Life Technology Group has a simple process for recycling outdated computers. Here’s how it works:


  • We pick up your electronics
  • We destroy your data using the same process laid out by the Department of Defense
  • Anything that can’t be reused gets broken down and recycled, keeping them out of landfills
  • You collect the tax benefits
  • We find and give the refurbished computers to kids in need!

That’s it! New Life Technology Group has made it simple for people and businesses to do their parts and help the community with their unneeded computers and get them into the hands of kids who need them. 

The children in our communities desperately need to join the 21st century. As schools are trying to teach children these emerging technologies, they are also struggling with budget cuts that often affect the technology they can provide to their students. Parents are also struggling to be able to provide these resources.

Companies that partner with New Life Technology Group are able to work together to get computers into the hands of these children and the donating company is getting a pretty sweet tax incentive while doing it. 

Imagine being one of the companies that are able to take their older computers, receive a tax write-off, and also be a part of educating the future workforce. That’s a win for everyone. Don’t have a computer do donate? Small donations to buy computers for kids are also accepted and appreciated!

donate your computers to charity Nonprofit Electronic Recycling Center Atlanta Ga

Does Donating Make You Feel Good?

The holiday season is upon us! Yes, another year of giving, gathering and going to all sorts of events, organized or not. For some, it’s a season of doubt, worry, or pain, while others have a childlike wonder every time this season comes around. It can be quite a range of emotions and experiences.
While there are so many things to do, places to go and people to see, it made me wonder about something . . . the first thing I mentioned, “another year of giving.” You may have not thought to give, or had any reason or organization in which to give to, so it has not crossed your mind. However, many people take the end of the year to re-examine their lives, their place in life and how it fits with their moral compass. Whether it’s for religious reasons or not, we all have a sense of belonging and decide what movements we want to be a part of and for what reason, and some of us choose to give to others or organizations they believe in and trust. 
In this blog, I wanted to explore the reasons for “Why we give?” In just the small amount of research I pulled up, it showed that it truly is a psychological experience or exercise in our mind, no matter who you are. Do you know the number one reason people give? Because someone asked! . . . Now that surprised me, so I thought a little more about it and have this small experience to share.
Growing up in a middle-class family in California, I was only exposed to “giving situations” through the church we were involved in. It was usually for a ministry I was involved in or others were asking us to contribute to, or if we had a mission we were setting out for and needed to fundraise to go to said mission. Of course there was the tithing aspect, which also has its place in this discussion, but more of what I was looking to express here are the reasons that compel us to give. 
For me, it came later in life after marriage. We were fortunate to live in several neighborhoods of mixed economic diversity, and one city in particular comes to mind because of the homeless population that was evident there.   Almost every stop light, storefront, or fast food joint, we would be approached with the question, “I’m hungry, can you spare some change?” Or “Help a brother/sister out?” For years I gave without thinking, as I almost felt guilted into it. There was no reason not to. They asked, and it felt good, and there was a need in front of me I wanted to meet. Then when I asked myself, “Why?” or “What else can I do to better this situation I was put into?”. . . and it came to me . . . what solves their problem immediately? . . . Food! So yes, I gave because someone asked, but after my self reflection I started to change the dynamic. When they asked, I gladly stated, “YES! I’d love to feed you.” Most times, if it was at a grocery store or a restaurant, I would ask what they wanted and then get them exactly what they asked for. Other times, if I was in a rush or could not take a specific order, I would tell them, “Let me run in and get my items, and then I would purchase something towards the end of my visit that may sustain them, if they stayed and waited for me.” I’d have to say that eighty percent of the time they waited for me to return, so it made me feel like this was a legitimate need and the transaction was mutually beneficial. I have since approached these types of situations similarly in my remaining adult life and have turned the need into a solution, without ever having to question, “Did I do the right thing?”.
Whether giving to the homeless is your soft spot, or giving to an organization you believe in is your thing, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you solve the reason or answer the question to why you choose to give. Here is a list of other reasons people give. Check it out and see if any of these reasons ring true for you:
Social Dynamics – Because society deems it necessary and responsible to do so.
Altruism – Something inside of you says it’s the “right thing to do.”
Trust – You actually believe your gift will do what it was purposed to do.
Impact – You want to make a difference in someone’s world.
Goal Proximity – There’s a goal or financial need to meet.
Overcoming Difficulty – Making sure someone gets what they need to move forward.
Egoism – To receive personal benefit or satisfaction.
FOMO – Fear Of Missing Out (the fear is real).
Check out the psychology behind these reasons and how organizations can work to answer or champion these reasons to make giving truly worth it again.
Should you choose to donate to our cause this year, whether it’s this time of year or you make plans to give in the months to come, New Life Technology Group has a gift for your donation. We want to start a movement. One that all people, both young and old can get behind. Our mission is two fold; to keep e-waste out of our landfills AND to give back to our community by donating refurbished laptops to students in remote learning situations through our Computers For Kids Program. Would you consider being part of our movement?
We have five ways to partner with us:
5) Drop off your consumer/personal electronic waste at our Alpharetta office (M-F 8am – 4pm)
what to do with your old computer Nonprofit Electronic Recycling Center Atlanta Ga

To Plan Or Not To Plan

Let me guess, you haven’t made your plans for how you are celebrating NYE?

“It’s October!” you say, “Give me a break! I don’t even plan for events two weeks in advance, let alone 2 months.” It’s OK, I do become OCD on things like this, especially big holidays or events that I know the choices will become endless, but I usually have an idea of what I want to do, and then I narrow things down by cost and prior commitments.

So, even if you are not a big planner and you fly by the seat of your pants through life, letting life just happen to you, there’s room for both with this short BLOG.

Whether you plan for it or not, we here at New Life Technology Group will take your electronic donations. For the planners, we know you are already considering year end donations, and office reconfigure plans for the new work environment. Certainly, with the pandemic, it’s caused you to plan differently than ever before. For the non-planners, you’re the type that just use your electronics till they break or at least slow down and affect your user experience, then you decide you need something else and you look to discard it quickly. Relax, both scenarios work for New Life Technology Group.

You see, we collect electronics of all kinds: used, broken, working, or not. We take them in and turn them into something that others can use, especially laptops. Did you know that 100% of all donations we receive are recycled or repurposed? Even better, when it comes to laptops, a portion of what we take in that are salvageable, go right to our Computers For Kids Program. This program is unique and one of a kind. We deliver refurbished laptops to students in the Atlanta metro area who may not otherwise be able to afford it. Some families have more than one student underfoot, yet only have one household computer to get work done. We want to change that dynamic and put laptops into more hands so students can continue to learn and excel. As long as remote learning is in demand our need will be great.

This is where you come in whether you’re a planner or procrastinator. We need your electronics, especially laptops, to keep up with the demand. As a non-profit organization, we rely on the generous donations from the community. Whether your company is downsizing and needs to be relieved of excess electronic equipment, or you are an individual not knowing how to properly dispose of your unwanted electronics, we are here for you.

With your help, we can help students thrive, but you know what else happens? We prevent our landfills from taking on this unwanted waste. E-waste is a huge problem globally. There’s so many countries that do nothing to properly dispose of such items, and we do not want to join those ranks. As mentioned, we properly recycle 100% of what we take in. We have resources and vendors that help us break down every type of electronic material, from the wires and software side of things to all the hardwire and metals. It’s truly an undertaking that needs more awareness these days. We are happy to be an organization that knows our place and where we fit in this cycle. So what we need most is the connection from you. That connection that comes from you understanding how important it is to recycle, but then goes the extra mile to actually do something about it. We appreciate it greatly when you choose New Life Technology Group as your partner in this endeavor.

Should you have something now or in the future, please keep us at the top of your list and your mind. We can’t do this without you! If you came across us intentionally via our marketing efforts on Google and/or social media or you searched organically and we came up, it takes a lot to keep non-profit organizations like ours afloat. Should you not have any electronics to donate, but would like to support our cause with a monetary donation of any amount, we’d appreciate it and be happy to accommodate you there as well. Your donations are tax deductible and will go a long way to securing our mission of helping students succeed across metro ATL and keep electronics out of our landfills.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or would like to make a donation, whether that’s in person or online. Our Alpharetta office is open Monday through Friday from 8am – 4pm, or for your convenience you can donate online here.

We look forward to partnering with you!

Learn how to host a public or private electronics collection event

Learn how to hold an electronics dropbox drive


Nonprofit Electronic Recycling Center Atlanta Ga

It’s 2021 – How Do You Work?

Should you stay or should you go? . . . Back to work, that is. Have you had to make the decision if you are staying home and working remotely or are you beckoning the call to head back to the office? Hopefully you have a choice. If you have not had to decide, it’s coming, so be prepared. Now, whether you choose to go back to work or continue in the remote sector, it’s not ours to say what’s better or even more desirable. We want to address the eight hundred pound gorilla in the room, meaning there’s still a question that needs to be answered . . . What are all the business owners doing with all the electronic equipment you now realize you don’t need or can’t use if your people choose to work remotely? You most likely now have extra laptops, desktops, copiers, printers, audio equipment, phone systems, network devices, servers, cables and so much more! What to do, what to do?
There’s really three options to consider going forward:

1. You could sell them all (if you have the time to do so) – Selling your equipment will get you some return on your investment, but not much. When you consider depreciation, prepping them all to sell, constantly monitoring their progress online and boosting the postings as needed. Is your time and effort worth it?

2. You could trash them all (not recommended – please don’t) – Trashing all these electronics is NOT the answer. We know you’re better than that. Besides, the landfills can’t take it, and what’s worse is the growing global problem with electronics taking up too much space in landfills from poor decisions of others not being as resourceful as we know you can be.

3. You could donate your electronics to New Life Technology Group (best option ever), and here’s why:

a) We recycle or refurbish 100% of what is donated.
b) Nothing that comes through our doors ends up in the landfill!
c) A portion of your donations (especially laptops) go to our Computers For Kids Program.
If you’re not familiar with our Computers For Kids Program, here’s the simplest explanation. We take in donated laptops and the ones we can refurbish, we do, and then turn them back around to students who are still choosing remote learning, but who’s parents may not have the resources to have several laptops at their disposal. To date we’ve donated over 900 laptops through the program and the demand never ends. We appreciate all of our donors, and please know that should you not be able to donate a laptop, there are two other ways to donate. Our AmazonSmile program is one and straight monetary donations are the other. Check out the donate page to see how you can make a difference in a student’s life.
For more information about setting up an Electronic Waste Event or a Drive, please visit our Events page or feel free to contact us at 404.313.8215.
Nonprofit Electronic Recycling Center Atlanta Ga

Back to School Is Here – Help Us Change Their World!

“Summer, Summer, Summer!” I can still hear words to the song “Magic” by ‘The Cars’ on the radio from days gone by. We long for Summer each year on the calendar. It’s time for vacations to the beach, the mountains, and all sorts of fun outdoor activities. The excitement builds in late Spring and you start seeing posts on social media and start getting ads and emails of all kinds for those adventures waiting to be had. From Memorial Day in May, to Labor Day in September, retailers hit us with all they can, yet as soon as Independence Day comes and goes, and Major League Baseball has its Mid-Summer Classic, then BOOM!, it hits us square in the face, AUGUST IS ALMOST HERE!, and our kids have to prepare to go back to school again. And whether it’s the choice of returning to the classroom in person or remaining in remote learning scenarios, there is one common need that still remains. Our students need laptops to keep them moving forward academically. 
During these Summer months, your friends at New Life Technology Group have been diligently continuing to field the calls and emails for the requests to provide more laptops to our Computer For Kids Program. As our CEO, Brittany Conley, reminds us to take our mission to heart daily in that “Changing Our World Starts With Changing Theirs!” It’s a bold statement of truth and shines new light on an issue that will be with us for years to come.
For those that are still not familiar with our program, please note it is one of the pillars of our mission “to provide students in the Atlanta Metro area with the technology they need for digital learning.” Upon receiving donated laptops, we safely destroy all data (to DoD 5220.22-M standards) and then reinstall the necessary software and deliver them to the students in need. To date, we have donated over 900 laptops to students, and our plan is to continue this service, but we can’t do this without the help of the community. How can you help? Well, there are three ways that can make an immediate impact:
1) Contact New Life Technology Group and offer your unwanted laptops to us. Whether you’re a local business or resident in the Atlanta Metro area, your simple donation could be the difference that changes a student’s academic life for the better. As our President and Founder, Tim Conley, aptly states, “Through the power of your donations, we’re able to transform our community and the world around us.” By doing so, you help us work towards a cleaner, greener, more hopeful future, for our kids and our planet.” Donating helps give both your technology, and people in your community “new life!”
Our office is open Monday through Friday from 8am to 4pm for residential and business drop offs. For your convenience, we offer FREE pick ups for businesses within the Atlanta Metro area. We schedule our pickups based on logistics and they are done on Mondays and Fridays.
2) Your generous monetary donation goes a long way as well. New Life Technology Group is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization and so your donation is also tax deductible. We take donations of any amount, but if you want to see how far your dollar goes here’s a look at what can happen:
  • $150 Supplies one student with a laptop
  • $300 Supplies a pair of siblings each with a laptop
  • $750 Supplies a group of 5 students with their own laptop
  • $3,000 Supplies an entire classroom with laptops

The other way to see your donation go the extra mile is with our Amazon Smile program. Simply sign up HERE and follow the prompts to fill out the info for your favorite charitable group and then use the smiles link everytime you shop on Amazon. By doing so, Amazon donates a portion of your everyday purchases and sends it directly to organizations like ours to benefit from the proceeds.

3) The other way to donate is by organizing an E-Waste Drive or Electronic Recycling Event in your neighborhood. Contact us and give us some dates that work for you, and we’ll match with a date on our calendar, and do the rest. Typically these events are 2-3 hours on a weekend and are open to the public. This allows us to get the most response from the event with our local marketing efforts. Should your subdivision not allow a public event, we can do them exclusively for you, but we would then ask for a $50/hr deposit donation. This simply covers the production costs of the event. Should we determine that there was enough electronic waste to cover our production expenses, we would then issue you a refund.

For businesses that would rather have us drop donation boxes off at their location for a continual donation process, rather than a one time pick up, we can arrange that as well. We would just need to make sure that the gaylord boxes we drop off are in a secure location so that employees can not only see them, but are comfortable enough to drop off their items and their personal info will not be compromised. For a list of items we accept for donation and recycling, please see our FAQs online.

If you have any questions that we can help you with, please do not hesitate to contact us either online at www.newlifetechgroup.com or at the office at 404.313.8215

For more info on our Computer For Kids Program and on remote learning check these links out:




E-Waste Donation + A Tax Break, What A Combo!

get tax breaks when you donate Nonprofit Electronic Recycling Center Atlanta Ga

Helping school kids, saving our planet, and getting a tax break are all included with your donations!

Anyone remember the commercials in the early 80’s that Reese’s used to put out there about getting your chocolate mixed in my peanut butter and getting my peanut butter mixed in your chocolate? The ad appealed to lovers of both delicious snacks and simply put, Reese’s was the snack choice that met the cravings of both taste lovers.

We’ll call it a stretch, but that’s how donating and tax breaks go here at New Life Technology Group. The simple act of donating, pairs so well with the tax breaks you can receive, that everyone is satisfied. What’s more, unlike a silly candy commercial, your donations go to a cause that delivers laptops to kids through our Computers For Kids Program. In addition, your electronics don’t end up in a landfill and all of a sudden you have more than enough reasons to enjoy the simple pleasure of supporting our cause.

You may already know that during the pandemic giving/donations to many charitable organizations dropped significantly as people understandably had more pressing needs in taking care of their own, before they could afford helping others. No one could blame you for that and now that it appears we are getting on the other side of this pandemic, at least in the United States, we want to nudge our audience and tell you, we still need your help. “Yes!” we too survived an economic shutdown and “Yes!” we too had families to feed and bills to pay, but what some still need to know is that our organization kept pushing forward and donating laptops to kids in need during remote learning, and we still continue to.

What can you do if you don’t have any electronics to donate? Glad you asked! With New Life Technology Group being a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, you can get a write off for any monetary donations you make. We want everyone to participate in any way they can. As our founder Tim Conley aptly states, “Through the power of your donations, we’re able to transform our community and the world around us. By doing so, you help us work towards a cleaner, greener and more hopeful future. You can help give both your old technology and students in your community a “New Life.”

For residents/communities looking to donate we have two ways you can help. The first is to simply drop off your electronic waste (working or not), between 8am and 4pm to our office located at 1000 Union Center Drive, Suite A, Alpharetta, GA 30004 (directions). Or the other way you can choose is to organize an Electronic E-Waste Event in your subdivision or community. We can walk you through the entire process of hosting an event, it’s really easy . . . because we do all the work!

For businesses looking to help, we are pleased to offer FREE pick-up in the Atlanta metro area. Simply call us with your location and arrange a pickup. There’s also the option to have donation boxes set up at your office, in a secure location, for colleagues to place electronics in.

You then decide if you want a weekly, monthly, or just a one time service, and we will do the rest.

So, just like peanut butter and chocolate and how delicious our lives are now with this indulgence, think of how much more awesome our community and our world becomes when you choose to donate and get tax breaks for choosing New Life Technology Group.

For further information please feel free to contact us or check our our FAQs and Services to learn more.

Earth Day

Earth Day Turns 51

Earth Day Nonprofit Electronic Recycling Center Atlanta Ga

Some Anniversaries Are Worth Celebrating!

These days, people don’t like to “date themselves” or show their age by admitting to things they remember from childhood, as they may be shamed into feeling irrelevant, but today we are bucking the trend and going back down memory lane.
I am in my 50’s and when it comes to recycling and all the hubbub that seems to circulate around it, it’s unfortunate. To some, if you recycle or have a passion for it, you’re a “tree hugger,” while to others you may be looked at as an uncommon superhero, saving the planet one landfill at a time, but all I want to share with you in this blog is that the statistics don’t lie. The old adage “Liars tell numbers, but numbers don’t lie” holds true once again, but first some nostalgia:
Consider if you will that this year, Earth Day 2021 will be celebrating its 51st Anniversary! How’s that for dating yourself? I literally had no idea, and if I were to guess, I’d say we have had it on our calendars for maybe 30 years, and that’s it!
As a kid, recycling ideas were spawned by the infamous commercial of the Indian (Iron Eyes Cody) canoeing down the river and seeing trash and then standing on the side of the road as he was taking it all in and then would shed a tear after travelers threw trash from their car where he was standing.
The other visual and iconic memories were from public service announcements, like “Give A Hoot, Don’t Pollute!” by Woodsy the Owl which ran for twenty years (from 1965-1985). Did you know Woodsy was a sequel, for lack of a better word, to the Smokey the Bear icon that was created in the 40’s? Yes indeed, they needed another mascot to carry the message to another generation of the public that was losing the simple message created by prior generations.
Did you know that the first Earth Day, with Iron Eyes Cody, was the premiere campaign to kick off the Keep America Beautiful series of PSA’s? I didn’t either until I looked it up on Google today. Where has the time gone? But more importantly, where have all of our really good PSA’s gone? At least the ones about recycling or saving the planet. Today I am working with a non-profit recycling organization, New Life Technology Group, and it’s fascinating to re-connect with all this information we were taught as kids and to see it applied daily in our facility.
Now if you want to be cynical, you could say because I grew up in California for my first thirty-five years of life, that I had been influenced by a state that bled green in its recycling efforts, but if I remember correctly, it was always a time honored tradition to collect aluminum cans, glass bottles, and old newspapers and turn them in for money. Yes, you could actually get paid for recycling! Forgive my honesty, but doing this as a kid with my siblings and dad, was like a bonus pay day to the allowances we got for doing chores around the house. Maybe just the principle of “doing a little good goes a long way” resonated with me, or maybe just having parents that cared, or heck, maybe we were so poor that this extra money bought us an extraordinary meal at our favorite fast food establishment. Any way you slice it, it seems more rare that people care as much about keeping the planet clean anymore.
So, back to the numbers that recycling has generated over the past fifty years. I venture to guess that perhaps you and I have not done as much for the earth as recycling has done in our last fifty years . . . something to think about. Also, when you think recycling, think New Life Technology Group and visit the rest of our site to learn more.
Check out our services at NLTG and feel free to contact us with any questions.
More facts and figures:
If you want to go back down memory lane: