Celebrating donations Computers for Kids

Computers for Kids

New Life Technology Group’s Computers for Kids program provides refurbished (like new) and updated laptops & accessories (when available) to families and children in under-served communities – at no cost, providing a tool to excel professionally and academically.

Refurbished laptop donation Computers for Kids
Donation event Computers for Kids
Donation delivery Computers for Kids

Our Computers for Kids program was started for two fundamental reasons. First, as the Owner/CEO of New Life Technology Group, I (Tim Conley) experienced firsthand the challenges of not having a computer or internet access while growing up. I frequently had to visit the public library to complete school work, homework, and projects. Second, we realized that this issue persists when we held our first e-recycling event at a school and saw the significant need for computers among students.

According to a recent US Census, as of 2022, 508,616 children live at or below the US poverty threshold in the state of Georgia. Read more at the Kids Count Data Center

Children receiving laptop donations Computers for Kids
Donations to students Computers for Kids
Sisters receiving laptop donation Computers for Kids

We collaborate with schools, religious organizations, and multiple charitable organizations to identify the quantity of computers needed. We provide laptops to these organizations, which then distribute them – in our name – at their discretion. Typically, there are no strict criteria for qualifying for one of our computers, apart from filling out a laptop request form.

On average, we donate about 100 laptops each year. This number can fluctuate depending on our financial capabilities, with some years seeing higher or lower donations.
We also occasionally follow up with families to see how the computers are impacting their lives. Since the inception of the Computers for Kids Program, we have donated roughly 1,100 laptops.

Laptops in schools Computers for Kids
Donated laptop Computers for Kids
Laptop recipient Computers for Kids

Our overarching goal is to ensure that every person, family, organization, and nonprofit has access to the computers they need. We believe that by providing these essential tools, we can help bridge the digital divide and support educational and professional opportunities for those who need it most – fundamentally bettering their lives.

Children using donated laptops for assignments Computers for Kids
Laptop for young student Computers for Kids
Happy donation recipient Computers for Kids