New life technology group storefront

New Life Technology Group – Change of Address

In a significant stride towards bolstering its mission, New Life Technology Group, a prominent nonprofit electronics recycler, has relocated from Alpharetta, Georgia, to a more spacious and strategically situated location at 253 Grogan Dr #120, Dawsonville, GA 30534.


New Life Technology Group celebrates a pivotal moment in its growth, promising increased operational capacity, improved visibility, and a reaffirmed commitment to enhanced safety. Consider the following county, city, and company information:

253 Grogan Dr #120, Dawsonville, GA 30534 – County and City Information

Dawson County occupies 211 square miles, acquired from Gilmer and Lumpkin counties in 1857 and named after Judge William Crosby Dawson, a native Georgian who served in the state legislature and the U.S. Senate. Dawsonville, the county seat, was later incorporated on December 10, 1859.

Dawson county georgia map

A culturally diverse, forward-thinking, and vibrant community, Dawsonville is a place where families, businesses, and lives thrive. The City offers everything to truly capture the spirit of good living. With sidewalks that connect all areas of the city, parks offering multiple activity opportunities, celebrations like the Fall Festivals, dining delights, multiple entertainment and shopping venues, and much more, make Dawsonville an active, prosperous community. With easy access to Atlanta, Dawsonville offers the best big-city amenities and small-town ambiance.

Expanding Operational Space

New life technology group operations address change

The decision to move to 253 Grogan Dr #120 is driven by the necessity to expand operational space, allowing New Life Technology Group to handle a higher volume of electronic waste with greater efficiency. As a Dawson County registered nonprofit electronics recycler, the organization plays a crucial role in diverting electronic waste from landfills, promoting responsible disposal practices, and facilitating the recycling and refurbishing of electronic devices. The new location provides a more prominent footprint, enabling the organization to scale up its operations and meet the growing demand for sustainable electronics recycling.

This increased operational space translates to a more streamlined workflow. Sorting, dismantling, and processing electronic devices can be undertaken with greater precision, ensuring that valuable components are recovered for reuse and hazardous materials are handled responsibly. This expansion aligns with New Life Technology Group’s commitment to environmental sustainability by maximizing electronic component reuse and minimizing the ecological impact of electronic waste.

Easy-to-Find Location

New life technology group change of address offers easier dropoff access

Accessibility is a consideration for any organization, New Life Technology Group’s move to 253 Grogan Dr #120 ensures a more prominent and easy-to-find location. The strategic positioning of the new facility contributes to increased visibility within the community, making it convenient for individuals and businesses to drop off their electronic devices for recycling. A location that is easily accessible encourages greater community participation, fostering a culture of responsible e-waste disposal.

The move to a more visible location also raises awareness about electronics recycling. New Life Technology Group aims to engage with the community, educating individuals and businesses about electronic waste’s environmental impact and recycling’s benefits. The easy-to-find location becomes a hub for community involvement, reinforcing the organization’s role as a catalyst for positive environmental change.

Improved Safety Measures

New life technology group address change and safety

Ensuring staff and community safety is a top priority for New Life Technology Group. The new facility at 253 Grogan Dr #120 allows for the implementation of enhanced safety measures throughout the recycling process. From secure collection points for drop-offs to optimized layouts for efficient material handling, the organization is dedicated to creating a safe environment for everyone involved.

Read more about data security and responsible recycling practices at

New Life Technology Group’s move to 253 Grogan Dr #120 represents a strategic leap forward for the organization. With expanded operational space, an easy-to-find location, and improved safety measures, the nonprofit electronics recycler is poised to make a significant impact on electronic waste recycling. This relocation reinforces its commitment to sustainability and positions New Life Technology Group as a leader in promoting responsible e-waste management within the entire Atlanta Metropolitan area and beyond.

Watch this video for information about New Life Technology Group’s donation process.

Computer and Electronics Recycler – New Address

In this article, you discovered the reasoning and benefits of New Life Technology Group’s move to 253 Grogan Dr #120, Dawsonville, GA 30534, and how this relocation allows the company to securely expand within the Dawsonville community.

Your computer and electronics donation to New Life Technology Group keeps components and precious metals in use and hazardous byproducts out of landfills, supporting cleaner soil and water.

Failure to properly recycle old computers and electronics (allowing them into “normal” trash) risks land and water contamination that directly affects you and your community.


New Life Technology Group

253 Grogan Dr #120
(404) 313-8215
Computer and IT Recycling
ITAD helps safely retire repurpose and recycle electronic devices

ITAD – Sustainable Technology and Environmental Stewardship

Prevent your old electronic devices from ending up in landfills, contributing to the escalating global pollution problem. Understanding your role in reducing e-waste will help you make informed decisions regarding your used or outdated electronics.

Donating outdated electronics is good for the environment promoting sustainable technology

New Life Technology Group gathered information on IT Asset Distribution (ITAD) and how it addresses the responsible management of obsolete or unwanted electronic equipment.

Understanding ITAD

Recyclable computer components include hard drives with rare earth metals

ITAD is the retiring, repurposing, or recycling electronic devices and their components at their life cycle’s end. This includes computers, laptops, servers, smartphones, and other electronic devices and components. The primary goal of ITAD is to maximize IT asset value while minimizing their environmental impact.

Why ITAD is Important

Rare earth metals are used in computer component production

IT Asset Distribution reduces e-waste’s environmental impacts, helps conserve rare earth minerals, ensures sensitive data security, and helps compliance with strict governmental regulations. Consider the following:

Environmental Impact – A compelling reason to embrace ITAD is its direct environmental impact. E-waste contains hazardous materials like lead, mercury, and cadmium, which can leach into the soil and water (posing a severe threat to human health and delicate ecosystems). With proper electronic device disposal – through ITAD processes – we can mitigate harmful e-waste effects and promote a more sustainable future.

Computer components or ewaste in landfills can result in soil and water contamination

Resource Conservation – Electronic devices are rich in valuable resources like rare earth metals, gold, and copper. ITAD facilitates their recovery and recycling, reducing the need for new mining and extraction. This conserves precious resources and minimizes the energy consumption associated with producing new electronics.

Data Security – ITAD is about environmental responsibility while addressing data security. Electronic devices often contain sensitive information, and improper disposal can lead to data breaches. Proper ITAD procedures ensure the data’s secure erasure or destruction, safeguarding personal and confidential information.

Tip: Professional e-waste recyclers will issue a data destruction certificate when donated electronics are digitally wiped clean (no longer posing data breach threats).

Note: A data breach is a security violation, in which sensitive, protected or confidential data is copied, transmitted, viewed, stolen, altered or utilized by an individual or entity unauthorized to do so.

Regulatory Compliance – Governmental and local regulatory bodies increasingly recognize e-waste’s environmental impact and have implemented strict regulations to govern its disposal. Adhering to these regulations through proper ITAD practices avoids legal consequences and promotes a responsible corporate culture.

For more on state e-waste legislation visit this interactive map.

Bettering the Ecosystem through ITAD

ITAD promotes responsibly retiring repurposing or recycling electronic devices and components

Everyone can participate – through employing ITAD principles – in protecting the environment and slowing soil and water contaminations. Consider the following actions:

Choose Sustainable Products – The first step in contributing to a better ecosystem through ITAD is to make informed choices when acquiring electronic devices. Choose products from manufacturers committed to environmental sustainability, which often includes clearly defined ITAD strategies for their products.

Extend Your Device Lifespan – Instead of constantly upgrading to the latest gadgets, consider maximizing your current device lifespan. Regular maintenance, software updates, and responsible use can significantly extend electronic equipment life and utility, reducing ITAD intervention frequency.

Donate or Resell – If your devices are still functional and in reasonably good condition, consider donating or reselling them instead of discarding them. Many organizations and individuals can benefit from refurbished electronics, extending the devices life cycle and reducing overall waste.

Engage in Corporate Responsibility – If you are part of an organization, advocate for and help implement responsible ITAD practices. This includes establishing clear policies for electronic asset disposal, partnering with reputable ITAD service providers, and educating employees about responsible e-waste management principles.

Support E-Waste Recycling Programs – Get involved in or support local e-waste recycling programs. Many communities, schools, and organizations organize collection events to gather old electronics for proper disposal and recycling. Participating in these programs ensures that your electronic waste is handled responsibly.

Watch this video to see how this nonprofit collects donated electronics and recycles them.

IT Asset Distribution

In this article, you discovered what ITAD is and how you can contribute to a more robust ecosystem while protecting sensitive data and preserving the planet’s rare minerals.

ITAD is a critical component of sustainable technology practices, offering a responsible solution to the increasing challenge of e-waste accumulation. Understanding the importance of ITAD and actively participating in eco-friendly practices, individuals and organizations can significantly contribute to a healthier ecosystem, safeguard valuable resources, and make way for a more sustainable digital future.

Failure to promote and employ ITAD principles will only exacerbate soil and water contamination reaching toxic levels – resulting from irresponsible electronic equipment handling and disposal.


New Life Technology Group

Receive, refurbish, and resell computer and IT equipment donations
Atlanta, GA
General Inquiries: +1 (404) 313-8215

Computer and IT Recycling
Donate outdated electronic devices

How Donations Turn Outdated Electronics into Opportunities

Discover what happens to your old electronic devices when you donate them. Understanding how donated electronics are repurposed and how they benefit the environment will strengthen your resolve to recycle them.

Donating outdated electronics is good for the environment and less fortunate people

New Life Technology Group gathered the following information about how donated electronic equipment empowers others, reduces e-waste, reduces man’s carbon footprint, supports humanitarian efforts, and aids corporations in heightening their social responsibilities.

Why Donate Old Electronics

Upgrades, newer models, and changing preferences often leave us with an electronics collection that is outdated and no longer in practical use. Instead of letting these devices gather dust or contribute to the expansive e-waste problem, consider the transformative impact of donating old electronics:

Donated Electronics Empower Others

Donating outdated electronics empowers others

A significant reason to donate your outdated electronics is the potential to empower the less fortunate. In an era where access to technology is synonymous with access to education, employment opportunities, and vital information, not everyone can acquire the latest devices. Donating your outdated electronics (laptop, tablet, or smartphone) can provide someone in need with the tools to connect with the digital world.

Non-profit organizations, schools, and community centers often accept donated electronics to distribute to those who lack the financial resources to purchase these devices. In doing so, you empower individuals by giving them the means to access online education, job opportunities, and a informational wealth increasingly accessible only through digital channels.

Electronics Donations Reduce E-Waste

Donating outdated electronics keeps them out of landfills

The environmental impact of electronic waste, or e-waste, is a growing global concern. Electronics often contain hazardous materials like lead, mercury, and cadmium, which can leach into the soil and water when not properly disposed. Donating your outdated electronics diverts them from landfills, reducing the environmental burden accentuated by e-waste.

Responsible e-waste recycling centers can salvage valuable materials from old devices, like metals, plastics, and glass, preventing the need for new raw materials. This conserves resources and reduces the energy consumption and environmental impact from material extraction and processing.

How E-Donations Reduce Our Carbon Footprint

Donating outdated electronics reduces the carbon footprint

Every manufactured electronic device has a carbon footprint (associated with its production process). By donating outdated electronics, you contribute to extending the device’s lifecycle, reducing new manufacturing. Electronics production involves energy-intensive processes, and raw material extraction can contribute significantly to carbon emissions.

Donating your outdated laptop to a non-profit organization, local charity, or a refurbished electronics program, enables someone else to use that device, postponing the need to acquire a new one. This simple act leads to a significant reduction in overall carbon emissions.

Electronics Donations Contribute to Humanitarian Aid

Donating outdated electronics plays a crucial role in humanitarian aid efforts, particularly in regions affected by disasters or those in development. When natural disasters strike, communication becomes an essential lifeline. Having access to functioning electronic devices can be a game-changer for affected communities. Read about charitable programs like Computers for Kids.

In areas where infrastructure is still developing, donated electronics can support educational initiatives, healthcare services, and economic development.
Organizations operating in these regions often seek electronics donations to enhance their capacity to provide essential services and empower local communities.

Watch this video to better understand our e-donation process.

E-Donations and Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporations also have compelling reasons to donate their outdated electronics. Beyond the immediate benefits of social impact, engaging in corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, including e-donations, can enhance a company’s public image and brand reputation. Consumers increasingly value businesses that demonstrate commitment to environmental sustainability and social causes.

Donating outdated electronics aligns with the principles of the circular economy, where resources are kept in use for as long as possible. This showcases a company’s commitment to sustainability and contributes to cost savings by reducing the need for new purchases and disposal expenses.

Read more about business donations at

Schedule a pickup now.

Electronics Donations Transformative Potential

In this article, you discovered compelling reasons why individuals and corporations should consider donating their outdated electronic devices.

The impact of donating outdated electronics extends far beyond decluttering your living space. It is a powerful way to empower individuals, reduce e-waste, reduce environmental impact, and contribute to global humanitarian efforts.

Refusing to donate your outdated electronic devices leads to increased manufacturing needs and a significantly larger carbon footprint on our already fragile ecosystem.


New Life Technology Group

Receive refurbish and resale computer and IT equipment donations

2020 Howell Mill Rd NW Suite D-176
Atlanta, GA 30318

General Inquiries: +1 (404) 313-8215

Computer and IT Recycling
Recycling electronic waste includes data destruction

E-Recycling and E-Waste Benefits and Safety

Having doubts about how to dispose of your outdated electronics? Knowing how and where to safely donate or recycle your used electronic equipment will reduce landfill toxins and create multiple opportunities for others.

New Life Technology Group - Non-Profit Electronics Recycler gathered information that clarifies what e-recycling and e-waste are and how strict data destruction protocols keep your personal information from being given to others.

Understanding E-Waste and E-Recycling

In an increasingly digital world, the proliferation of electronic devices has become a staple in modern life. From smartphones to laptops, televisions to tablets, our lives are intertwined with technology from an early age. However, this digital revolution has created growing concerns about electronic waste and electronic recycling. Consider the following definitions:

E-Waste (Electronic Waste) – Refers to outdated, discarded electronic devices and equipment no longer in use. This includes:

  • Cell phones
  • Computers
  • Televisions
  • Household appliances
  • Smart Devices

Recycling electronic waste like computers and cell phones

Electronic devices are notorious for short lifespans, and as consumers continually upgrade to newer models, the volume of e-waste continues growing.

E-Recycling (Electronic Recycling) – This is the collecting, disassembling, and recycling electronic equipment. This process allows the community to recover valuable materials and significantly reduce the environmental impact of e-waste.

Recycling IT Equipment Benefits

This practice has become increasingly crucial in a growing “eco-conscious” world, as the improper disposal of electronic devices leads to severe environmental and potential health problems. Consider the following benefits:

Resource Conservation – Electronic devices contain valuable materials, including precious metals like gold, silver, and copper. Recycling IT equipment allows for their recovery, reducing the need for new mining, excavation, and extraction. This conserves natural resources and minimizes the energy required for mining and processing, which is often energy-intensive and environmentally damaging.

Reduction of Electronic Waste – The most compelling benefit of IT recycling is the reduction of e-waste. When electronics go to landfills, they release toxic chemicals and heavy metals into the soil and groundwater, which poses significant environmental hazards. Recycling IT equipment diverts these devices from landfills and directs them towards more responsible disposal methods.

Energy Savings – The production of new electronic devices consumes significant energy. Recycling IT equipment and reusing its components can save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Job Creation – E-recycling is a growing industry providing jobs for people involved in electronic device:

  • Collection
  • Transportation
  • Refurbishment
  • Recycling
  • Sales

Recycling electronic waste creates employment opportunities

As the demand for e-recycling services grows, it creates more employment opportunities and stimulates local economies.

Data Security – Recycling IT equipment ensures that sensitive data stored on old devices is properly destroyed or securely erased. This is a critical concern for businesses and individuals who want to safeguard their information from falling into the wrong hands. Reputable e-recyclers follow stringent data security protocols to guarantee the safe handling of sensitive information.

Recycling electronic waste involves safely destroying digital data

Read more about e-recycling and data destruction here.

Environmental Protection – Improper disposal of e-waste has severe environmental repercussions. It can contaminate soil, water, and air with hazardous substances. Recycling IT equipment safeguards the environment by mitigating these risks and promoting responsible electronic waste management.

Understand how and why businesses donate their outdated electronics at

Why Recycling IT is Safe

E-recycling is a safe and responsible practice when conducted by certified and reputable recyclers. Here are key reasons why recycling IT equipment is a secure option:

Data Security – Protecting sensitive data is paramount when recycling IT equipment. Certified e-recyclers adhere to strict data security protocols to ensure all sensitive information is securely erased or destroyed. This involves multiple levels of storage media data wiping and physical destruction to render data irretrievable.

Compliance with Regulations – Trusted e-recyclers operate in compliance with local, state, and federal regulations related to electronic waste disposal and recycling. This ensures that the recycling process meets all legal requirements and environmental standards.

Certification and Standards – E-recyclers often hold certifications, like the Responsible Recycling (R2) or e-Stewards standards, demonstrating their commitment to environmentally responsible and safe recycling practices. These standards include data security, environmental protection, and worker safety.

Environmental Responsibility – Trusted e-recyclers prioritize environmental sustainability by safely managing electronic waste and its disposal. They follow practices that significantly reduce e-waste’s environmental impact and strive to recover valuable materials from discarded devices.

Worker Safety – E-recycling facilities prioritize worker safety. They provide detailed training and personal protective equipment (PPE) to ensure employees are not exposed to harmful substances or conditions during the recycling process. Proper safety measures reduce accident and health risks.

Transparent Documentation – Responsible e-recyclers maintain detailed process records, from collection to disposal. This transparency ensures accountability and traceability throughout the equipment’s lifecycle.

Ethical Practices – E-recyclers are committed to ethical and sustainable business practices. They aim to reduce negative impacts on communities and the environment while maximizing positive social and economic outcomes of their recycling operations.

Watch this video about how e-recycling works.

Recycling E-Waste

In this article, you discovered definitions for e-recycling and e-waste and how recycling e-waste protects sensitive data and the environment.

Recycling IT equipment conserves resources, reduces e-waste, saves energy, creates jobs, and protects the environment. When done by reputable recyclers, e-recycling is a safe process ensuring secure data disposal, regulation compliance, and responsible environmental practices.

Failure to properly recycle your e-waste can exacerbate soil and water contamination while exposing sensitive data to bad actors with malicious intentions.


New Life Technology Group

Receive refurbish and resale computer and IT equipment donations

Atlanta, GA

General Inquiries: +1 (404) 313-8215
Computer and IT Recycling
West Forsyth Band Electronics Recycling Drive

West Forsyth Band Electronics Recycling Drive – Sat – 10/21/23 – 10am to 12pm

Bring your unwanted electronics to the bus parking lot off Drew Road Saturday, October 21, 2023 from !0:00am to 12:00pm. This event benefits the West Forsyth Band.

At this event, we will be accepting all of our usual items. Flat-screen TVs have a $20 disposal fee per TV. As always, we do not accept CRT (tube) TVs, CRT (tube) monitors, DLP/Rear Projection TVs, Large appliances, household batteries, lightbulbs, AC units, or Thermostats.

New Life Technology Group


View Organizer Website

West Forsyth Performing Arts Center

4155 Drew Road
Cumming, Georgia 30040
+ Google Map
Fieldstone Electronics Recycling Drive October 14, 2023

Fieldstone Electronics Recycling Drive

Bring your unwanted electronics to the Fieldstone Subdivision Clubhouse Parking Lot. At this event, we will be accepting all of our usual items. Flat-screen TVs have a $20 disposal fee per TV. As always, we do not accept CRT (tube) TVs, CRT (tube) monitors, DLP/Rear Projection TVs, Large appliances, household batteries, lightbulbs, AC units, or Thermostats.

Non profit organizations accept charitable donations

Business Donations to Non-Profit Organizations – Why and How

Wondering why businesses often donate time and resources to non-profit organizations? Understanding why and how a businesses donates to charitable organizations will guide you when deciding who to do business with. gathered information on the reasons and types of donations businesses make to non-profit organizations.

Why Businesses Donate to Non-Profit Organizations

Businesses frequently donate to non-profit organizations for many reasons, and there are numerous benefits associated with charitable giving. Here are some of the reasons businesses choose to donate and the advantages of their doing so:

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) – Some businesses view philanthropy as an essential component of their corporate social responsibility beliefs. They want to contribute positively to society and give back to the neighborhoods in which they operate.

Enhanced Reputation and Brand Image – Donating to non-profits can significantly enhance a company’s reputation and brand image. Being associated with reputable charitable causes can boost public perception and brand loyalty. Consumers tend to favor companies that demonstrate a consistent commitment to social and environmental issues.

Employee Engagement and Morale – Businesses supporting non-profits often experience increased employee engagement and higher morale. Employees tend to feel more connected to their company’s mission when they know their employer is significantly contributing to meaningful causes.

Tax Benefits – Donations to non-profit organizations are typically tax-deductible. Businesses can benefit from tax deductions, leading to significant cost savings.

Donating to non profit organizations gets state and federal tax breaks

Networking and Community Relations – Collaborating with non-profits provides opportunities for businesses to greatly expand their network while establishing positive relationships within the community. These connections often lead to new partnerships, customers, and business opportunities.

Competitive Advantage – Demonstrating a solid commitment to philanthropy can provide a competitive market advantage. It sets a business apart from its competitors and can influence consumer choices when selecting branded products or services.

Employee Recruitment and Retention – Companies that regularly engage in charitable activities often find it easier to attract and retain top talent. Many job seekers are drawn to employers with a strong and regular commitment to social responsibility.

Innovation and Creativity – Supporting non-profit organizations can foster innovation and creativity within a company. Collaborating with non-profits may lead to new ideas and approaches to addressing social or environmental issues.

Values and Mission Fulfillment – Businesses typically make donations to non-profits whose missions align with their core values. This alignment allows them to fulfill their values and reinforce their mission statement.

Addressing Social and Environmental Issues – Well lead businesses recognize the importance of directly addressing pressing social and environmental issues. By donating to non-profits, they contribute to solutions for challenges like poverty, hunger, addiction, education, climate change, and more.

Positive Public Relations – Engaging in philanthropy attracts positive media attention and public relations opportunities. Companies can share their charitable efforts with the public, reinforcing their firm commitment to social causes.

Global Impact – For multinational corporations, donating to non-profits allows them to make a global impact by addressing international issues and supporting organizations with a global footprint.

The following are some examples of reputable non-profit organizations and the corporations that contribute to their efforts:

The American Red Cross – Donors include Walmart and the Coca-Cola Foundation
Muscular Dystrophy Association – Some donors are CITGO, 7-ELEVEn, and Burger King
Susan G. Komen – Donors include Party City, Hallmark, and Ford Motor Company
New Life Technology Group – Supported by Microsoft and Cox Communications

Non profit organizations hold community events to increase brand recognition

Businesses donate to non-profit organizations for multiple reasons, like fulfilling their corporate social responsibility or benefitting from an enhanced reputation and greater employee engagement.

How Businesses Donate to Non-Profit Organizations

Businesses engage in multiple ways to donate to non-profit organizations, aligning their philanthropic efforts with their values and goals. Here are some ways businesses contribute to non-profits:

Cash Donations – A straightforward way for businesses to support non-profits is through monetary donations. Companies can allocate a percentage of their profits or set aside a budget for charitable giving.

Employee Payroll Giving – A payroll giving program allows employees to donate a portion of their salaries directly to non-profits. Many businesses will match these donations, doubling the impact.

Sponsorships – Companies often sponsor non-profit events, fundraisers, or initiatives. This provides financial support and promotes the organization’s cause while raising public awareness.

In-Kind Donations – Businesses will often donate goods or services to non-profits. For example, a restaurant could provide meals for a charity event, or a tech company could donate computers to a school, a community center, or a non-profit electronics recycling center.

Volunteer Programs – Encouraging employees to volunteer their time and skills with non-profits is another substantial way to contribute. Some companies offer paid volunteer days or organize group volunteer engagements.

Cause-Related Marketing – Businesses can collaborate with non-profits on marketing campaigns that tie their products or services to a charitable cause. A portion of the campaign’s proceeds goes to the non-profit.

Donation Matching – Implementing a donation matching program allows businesses to match their employees’ charitable contributions. This doubles the impact of individual donations.

Pro-Bono-Services – Companies can provide their services to non-profits on a pro-bono-basis. This might involve legal, marketing, accounting, or IT services.

Grant Programs – Establishing a grant program enables businesses to provide financial support to non-profits that align with their mission and values. Non-profits then apply for grants to fund specific projects or initiatives.

Long-Term Partnerships – Building long-term partnerships with reputable non-profits allows businesses to make a sustained local, regional, or global impact. These partnerships can involve ongoing financial support, employee engagement, and joint initiatives.

Watch this video to see how to donate old or outdated electronics.

Non-Profit Donations

In this article, you discovered many reasons businesses donate to non-profit organizations and how they do it.

Charitable efforts make a company more appealing to potential employees and attracts a broader customer base. Charitable activities as a part of a business’s mission, vision, and core values says something significant about that organization.

Businesses that do not donate in some way to charitable causes are less likely to gain trust in their surrounding communities or outperform their competitors.


New Life Technology Group

Receive refurbish and resale computer and IT equipment donations

Atlanta, GA

General Inquiries: +1 (404) 313-8215
Computer and IT Recycling
Donate your old computer with New Life Tech Group

Donate Old Computers To Recycle

How to donate old computers

to recycling centers near me.

Nonprofit Electronic Recycling Center Atlanta Ga

If you’re here, you’re ready to save the 20,000 pounds worth of raw materials it took to build your old computer!

Not only does recycling your old computer or laptop liberate our burdened landfills, but it curbs the rampant spread of toxic e-waste. If your computer equipment is anywhere between five to eight years old, chances are it’s almost entirely salvageable and eligible for computer donation. Appearances can be deceptive, however, because even if your device seems like it’s expired and ready to be carted off on a stretcher, 98% of your computer can be recycled. If your machine cannot be donated, recycling companies dismantle your device manually or feed them to shredders to break down its components.

The best way to recycle a computer is to hand it over to someone who can use it. Between the pandemic and rising income gaps, globally only 33% of children and young people have internet access at home. Recycling charities gladly accept old electronics from people who don’t know what to do with an old laptop or computer and pass them on to disadvantaged communities and lower income brackets—most of whom rely on recycled computers.

Now that you’ve established that your computer is ready for a new life, you can commence your search.

If your device still has a spark of life, it can be outfitted with new parts to gain a second wind. Charities that accept and recycle computers are equipped to take your outdated computers and distribute them to communities in need. Anything that can’t be reused gets broken down and recycled, keeping the bulk of your e-waste out of landfills.

Start by searching your area for electronic recycling services, and consider boiling your options down to the right local charities. Computer recyclers specialize in reclaiming serviceable computer parts and breaking down what remains while ensuring the safe removal of hazardous and harmful substances such as lead, asbestos, or mercury.

Here are a few tips on how to best go about computer, laptop, and component donations:

1. Gauge Your Computer’s Reusability

Nonprofit Electronic Recycling Center Atlanta Ga

If your computer or laptop is on its last legs but still in working condition, you can take your machine apart, assess it for parts and backup your data on a saved hard drive. You can also make use of a shedding program that overwrites your files and restores the machine to its factory settings. Make note, if you’re working with an old laptop, its battery may need to be recycled individually.

If you are working with an old desktop computer, you can donate your computer and monitor. Be sure to let us know if it’s in good working condition when you donate your old monitor. Don’t forget to gather your old computer components, including your keyboard and mouse!

2. Prepare To Send It To A Local Recycler

If you’re wondering where to recycle computers and old components, start by researching your local options in Lawrenceville. You could run a search of certified electronic and computer recyclers and pick the ones closest to your area, or use third-party search engines that offer categorized search options, which allow users to look up recyclers by location. Examples include:

– RecycleNation
– e-Stewards

You can also look into a local charity, school or library that may be accepting obsolete PCs. If you’re in or around the Atlanta area, we accept old electronics from Atlanta residents and wipe, clean, dismantle and donate them to individuals in disadvantaged communities who can use them.

3. Responsible Hardware Destruction

Aside from looking into e-waste recycling programs or free e-waste recycling events near you, malfunctioning or defunct laptops and computers should go to end-of-life recycling so that your old device can be processed and sorted in order to be reused later. You can safely discard end-of-life materials through take-back programs, certified computer recyclers, and registered refurbishers that accept old IT equipment. Or you can do it yourself by overwriting your drive and degaussing obsolete components.

4. Contact A Trustworthy Recycler Like New Life Technology Group

Recycling services may vary depending on where you live in Atlanta and the condition of your old computer. Be sure to check with your computer recycler to verify whether they accept the type of machine you plan to give away. You can always deep dive and check a recycler’s certifications and compliance records, which most trusted recyclers will have on their websites. It’s crucial to pick a computer recycler that implements good practices, will recycle electronics safely and doesn’t work solely for profit. The impacts of irresponsible e-waste recycling are far-spreading and have a significant impact on our planet.

5. Prepare To Send It To A Local Recycler

If you don’t have the time and simply don’t know how to dismantle your old devices, save them for your e-waste recycler. Most organizations such as schools, nonprofits, and charities won’t accept items with missing components. Everything from the keyboard, the circuit board and the battery to the glass monitor can be handed over, so long as it is intact.

If you have a Certificate of Authenticity, it’s useful to throw it in along with your donation as it can help third-party processors relicense your donated computer.

Nonprofit Electronic Recycling Center Atlanta Ga

6. Give Away Your Computer Or Laptop

Many e-recyclers near you in Gwinnett County will offer contactless drop-off services and will usually have a web page dedicated to the waste types they accept. If you own a business, some organizations also offer bulk pick-up services for a small additional fee.

7. Take Note Of Your Computer Donation

Nonprofit Electronic Recycling Center Atlanta Ga

Your old laptop helps shape someone’s future and diminishes the costs of building new systems. It’s also an eligible tax write-off, depending on the refurbisher or recycler you donate to. At New Life Technology Group, you collect the tax benefits for your contribution!

Best of all, New Life Technology Group is involved with local charities around the Atlanta area and will do our very best to refurbish your old computer or laptop to donate to a local charity to help benefit those in need!

Proud to Serve the Following Areas:

Is your location outside of our radius? No worries, just let us know! If there's a way to make special accommodations to pick up your computer donations, we'll find it!

Frequently Asked Questions About Electronics Recycling

Yes, your personal information and peace of mind are very important to us! All of your data is wiped according to the Department of Defense Standard (DoD 5220.22-M). Devices that are not wiped with the software will be physically destroyed via the hydraulic press.

Yes! You can bring your donations to our office Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 4 PM. Our address is 1000 Union Center Drive, Suite A, Alpharetta, GA 30004.

All items donated are 100% reused. Some laptops will go to our “Computers for Kids” program, some will be used for parts to complete other computers, and any items that are too old or too damaged will be broken down into raw components and recycled.

All items can be dropped off free of charge, with the exception of flat-screen TVs. There is a small fee of $20 per TV due to our cost associated with them. (We do not accept any other types of TVs).

  • Computers
  • Laptops
  • Servers
  • Networking Equipment (Routers/Switches/modems/Firewalls)
  • Phones
  • Tablets
  • LCD Flat Screen Monitors
  • Wires/Cabling
  • Cable Boxes
  • Cameras
  • Computer Accessories (Motherboards/Hard Drives/Power Supplies)
  • Audio/Video Equipment
  • Fitness Trackers/Smartwatches
  • Gaming Systems
  • Flat Screen TVs ($20 Disposal Fee Per TV)
  • Printers
  • Small Appliances
  • Power Tools

  • CRT (Tube) TVs
  • CRT (Tube) Monitors
  • Rear Projection TVs
  • DLP TVs
  • Refrigerators
  • Large Appliances
  • AC Units
  • Thermostats
  • Household batteries
  • Lightbulbs

Nonprofit Electronic Recycling Center Atlanta Ga

Benefits Of Partnering With A Non-Profit Charity

Non-profits are getting more time in the spotlight these days, and it’s no surprise that there are more and more non-profit needs developing each day. You may be a little puzzled as to exactly why non-profits are important and how you or anyone else can become involved. First let me state that partnering with a non-profit, whether on an individual level or a corporate one, is mutually beneficial for both parties. With that being said, let’s take a look at why this is so:

1. Corporate giving/donations offers substantial incentives for businesses These charitable donations can give up to approximately 50% deductions on your Adjusted Gross Income. Partnering with an IRS approved non-profit is not only good publicity, but good in and of itself to give back. This supports morale across the board and helps gain customer support in and of itself. 

2. Non-profits can help businesses, both small and large, be environmentally friendly, which is essentially going green. Whatever your beliefs are regarding what can or can’t be done to help the environment, reducing waste is a great place to be. Saving the planet takes on all shapes and forms, and a non-profit is a hefty tool when it comes to making changes for our planet. 

3. Non-profits offer a validated channel through which you can give back to your community and to those in need. It can be overwhelming trying to figure out how to help in meaningful and honest ways; thus, for this reason, non-profits are great agents of change for all types of large and small needs in our world. 

“Changing our World Starts with Changing Theirs” is our motto at New Life Technology Group. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit that has been working for the last 7 years to do our part in reducing e-waste, which has become a prevalent form of waste in our ever-increasing age of technology. With so many different electronic devices that are replaced or broken frequently, e-waste has become an issue none can further avoid. We recycle all electronics to keep them out of our landfills. We will take your unwanted, outdated, & broken electronics. All items donated are 100% reused or recycled!

Why choose us? It’s two-fold. Not only are we helping make our planet a place that is better for our kids, but we are using the things that would go into a landfill and repurposing them for our communities that have need for such technology. If the items can’t be repurposed back into helping kids or schools, they are 100% recycled, leaving that much more room for green space to grow in their place.

How do we do this? Our mission is to help our planet by reducing e-waste and support our community through our Computers For Kids program. We do this by recycling, refurbishing, and redistributing old computers, IT equipment, and other electronic waste. We offer free commercial pickups and accept drop-offs for smaller loads and residential e-waste.

If you’re still wondering exactly how to partner with a charity, here are a few different ways you can get started with us:

1. Monthly donation – You can go to our website and click the link to donations or donate through Amazon Smile. While this requires less effort for the giver, it makes a huge impact for the receiver. 

2. Another way to get involved is by providing a location for a public donation event. A bigger work complex would be ideal for an event, so as to give multiple companies in the surrounding area a chance to come together and use their leverage for good through charity donations.

3. Office or workplace donations boxes are still an easy and effective way to get people to give. In this manner, business owners can place donation boxes in their place of work for company, employee, and even visitor donations. 

For further information please feel free to contact us or check our our FAQs and Services to learn more.


E-Waste Donation + A Tax Break, What A Combo!

get tax breaks when you donate Nonprofit Electronic Recycling Center Atlanta Ga

Helping school kids, saving our planet, and getting a tax break are all included with your donations!

Anyone remember the commercials in the early 80’s that Reese’s used to put out there about getting your chocolate mixed in my peanut butter and getting my peanut butter mixed in your chocolate? The ad appealed to lovers of both delicious snacks and simply put, Reese’s was the snack choice that met the cravings of both taste lovers.

We’ll call it a stretch, but that’s how donating and tax breaks go here at New Life Technology Group. The simple act of donating, pairs so well with the tax breaks you can receive, that everyone is satisfied. What’s more, unlike a silly candy commercial, your donations go to a cause that delivers laptops to kids through our Computers For Kids Program. In addition, your electronics don’t end up in a landfill and all of a sudden you have more than enough reasons to enjoy the simple pleasure of supporting our cause.

You may already know that during the pandemic giving/donations to many charitable organizations dropped significantly as people understandably had more pressing needs in taking care of their own, before they could afford helping others. No one could blame you for that and now that it appears we are getting on the other side of this pandemic, at least in the United States, we want to nudge our audience and tell you, we still need your help. “Yes!” we too survived an economic shutdown and “Yes!” we too had families to feed and bills to pay, but what some still need to know is that our organization kept pushing forward and donating laptops to kids in need during remote learning, and we still continue to.

What can you do if you don’t have any electronics to donate? Glad you asked! With New Life Technology Group being a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, you can get a write off for any monetary donations you make. We want everyone to participate in any way they can. As our founder Tim Conley aptly states, “Through the power of your donations, we’re able to transform our community and the world around us. By doing so, you help us work towards a cleaner, greener and more hopeful future. You can help give both your old technology and students in your community a “New Life.”

For residents/communities looking to donate we have two ways you can help. The first is to simply drop off your electronic waste (working or not), between 8am and 4pm to our office located at 1000 Union Center Drive, Suite A, Alpharetta, GA 30004 (directions). Or the other way you can choose is to organize an Electronic E-Waste Event in your subdivision or community. We can walk you through the entire process of hosting an event, it’s really easy . . . because we do all the work!

For businesses looking to help, we are pleased to offer FREE pick-up in the Atlanta metro area. Simply call us with your location and arrange a pickup. There’s also the option to have donation boxes set up at your office, in a secure location, for colleagues to place electronics in.

You then decide if you want a weekly, monthly, or just a one time service, and we will do the rest.

So, just like peanut butter and chocolate and how delicious our lives are now with this indulgence, think of how much more awesome our community and our world becomes when you choose to donate and get tax breaks for choosing New Life Technology Group.

For further information please feel free to contact us or check our our FAQs and Services to learn more.

Earth Day

Earth Day Turns 51

Earth Day Nonprofit Electronic Recycling Center Atlanta Ga

Some Anniversaries Are Worth Celebrating!

These days, people don’t like to “date themselves” or show their age by admitting to things they remember from childhood, as they may be shamed into feeling irrelevant, but today we are bucking the trend and going back down memory lane.
I am in my 50’s and when it comes to recycling and all the hubbub that seems to circulate around it, it’s unfortunate. To some, if you recycle or have a passion for it, you’re a “tree hugger,” while to others you may be looked at as an uncommon superhero, saving the planet one landfill at a time, but all I want to share with you in this blog is that the statistics don’t lie. The old adage “Liars tell numbers, but numbers don’t lie” holds true once again, but first some nostalgia:
Consider if you will that this year, Earth Day 2021 will be celebrating its 51st Anniversary! How’s that for dating yourself? I literally had no idea, and if I were to guess, I’d say we have had it on our calendars for maybe 30 years, and that’s it!
As a kid, recycling ideas were spawned by the infamous commercial of the Indian (Iron Eyes Cody) canoeing down the river and seeing trash and then standing on the side of the road as he was taking it all in and then would shed a tear after travelers threw trash from their car where he was standing.
The other visual and iconic memories were from public service announcements, like “Give A Hoot, Don’t Pollute!” by Woodsy the Owl which ran for twenty years (from 1965-1985). Did you know Woodsy was a sequel, for lack of a better word, to the Smokey the Bear icon that was created in the 40’s? Yes indeed, they needed another mascot to carry the message to another generation of the public that was losing the simple message created by prior generations.
Did you know that the first Earth Day, with Iron Eyes Cody, was the premiere campaign to kick off the Keep America Beautiful series of PSA’s? I didn’t either until I looked it up on Google today. Where has the time gone? But more importantly, where have all of our really good PSA’s gone? At least the ones about recycling or saving the planet. Today I am working with a non-profit recycling organization, New Life Technology Group, and it’s fascinating to re-connect with all this information we were taught as kids and to see it applied daily in our facility.
Now if you want to be cynical, you could say because I grew up in California for my first thirty-five years of life, that I had been influenced by a state that bled green in its recycling efforts, but if I remember correctly, it was always a time honored tradition to collect aluminum cans, glass bottles, and old newspapers and turn them in for money. Yes, you could actually get paid for recycling! Forgive my honesty, but doing this as a kid with my siblings and dad, was like a bonus pay day to the allowances we got for doing chores around the house. Maybe just the principle of “doing a little good goes a long way” resonated with me, or maybe just having parents that cared, or heck, maybe we were so poor that this extra money bought us an extraordinary meal at our favorite fast food establishment. Any way you slice it, it seems more rare that people care as much about keeping the planet clean anymore.
So, back to the numbers that recycling has generated over the past fifty years. I venture to guess that perhaps you and I have not done as much for the earth as recycling has done in our last fifty years . . . something to think about. Also, when you think recycling, think New Life Technology Group and visit the rest of our site to learn more.
Check out our services at NLTG and feel free to contact us with any questions.
More facts and figures:
If you want to go back down memory lane:
Children using laptop and smartphone during classes in modern primary school

Making A Difference In One Child’s Life

Nonprofit Electronic Recycling Center Atlanta Ga

It’s been quite a year for most of us, and this year may or may not have fully turned the page quite yet, just because the calendar said to do so. As we all have our own issues and challenges we are dealing with to survive each month, or even each day, consider if you will, what our kids have been through.

Not only have they lost many social connections from school mates, and the one on one attention they could get from their teachers in classroom settings, but they are also losing time. Time? you say, aren’t we all losing time? Sure, but think about the learning time that kids have for educational development. Equate it to, for lack of a better example, a dog’s life. One year of our time equals seven years in a dog’s development and growth. Similarly, the longer it takes kids to keep on pace with learning, the longer it will take them to get to their next level and could eventually even prolong graduation. We can’t let this happen! Our education model is already behind many other countries, and for a simple solution of providing computers to kids, we’re convinced we can meet this need, even in troubling times.

Despite the uncertainty and unrest, there is something you can do to help kids progress and in turn, advance them and reverse the trend. Computers For Kids is a program that New Life Technology Group is hard at work making it happen for our students. Each time you donate your old, unwanted laptop to NLTG, we refurbish that computer and turn it into a tool that our kids can use to stay up to date with their remote learning schedules. Since launching this program NLTG has donated over 900 laptops to kids, and the demand continues to increase. We need your help to make this a reality. Whether you choose to donate your electronics or take the time to donate to us monetarily online, every amount helps to reach the kids with the technology they need to succeed.

Regardless of your position today, consider yourself blessed to have had the chance to be educated and participate in our venture and choose to bless others less fortunate. This Computers For Kids program really does represent the idea of paying it forward.

Thanks in advance for your support. Please donate if you are able to join our cause. Or if you have any specific questions feel free to contact us.

Remember that “Changing Our World Starts With Changing Theirs!”

Nonprofit Electronic Recycling Center Atlanta Ga

New Life Technology Group Announces Brittany Conley As New CEO

Nonprofit Electronic Recycling Center Atlanta Ga

Alpharetta, GA – A new year is bringing powerful changes to NLTG but one thing that won’t change is their commitment to conservation and serving the community.

Tim Conley, founder of NLTG, states “It was time to make this change and I have complete confidence in Brittany. She is devoted to saving our planet from overflowing landfills and is passionate about getting computers into the hands of kids in our community who need them most.”

“We can all do our part to move forward and be part of real change to make our community stronger. The future at NLTG has exciting possibilities ahead,” Brittany added.

Brittany’s passion for serving and promoting others led her to coin NLTG’s new mantra; “Changing Our World Starts With Changing Theirs.” The non-profit is adopting this philosophy into the culture of the organization. This will change the look of advertising and be at the heart of what all employees work towards.

New Life Technology Group is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. They work with businesses, schools, churches, non-profits and neighborhoods to help keep electronics out of landfills and donate them back to the community.

Through the power of donations they are able to transform communities and the world around us, helping work towards a cleaner, greener, and more hopeful future. They would like to help give your old technology, and in turn the people in your community, a “New Life.”