Nonprofit Electronic Recycling Center Atlanta Ga

Benefits Of Partnering With A Non-Profit Charity

Non-profits are getting more time in the spotlight these days, and it’s no surprise that there are more and more non-profit needs developing each day. You may be a little puzzled as to exactly why non-profits are important and how you or anyone else can become involved. First let me state that partnering with a non-profit, whether on an individual level or a corporate one, is mutually beneficial for both parties. With that being said, let’s take a look at why this is so:

1. Corporate giving/donations offers substantial incentives for businesses These charitable donations can give up to approximately 50% deductions on your Adjusted Gross Income. Partnering with an IRS approved non-profit is not only good publicity, but good in and of itself to give back. This supports morale across the board and helps gain customer support in and of itself. 

2. Non-profits can help businesses, both small and large, be environmentally friendly, which is essentially going green. Whatever your beliefs are regarding what can or can’t be done to help the environment, reducing waste is a great place to be. Saving the planet takes on all shapes and forms, and a non-profit is a hefty tool when it comes to making changes for our planet. 

3. Non-profits offer a validated channel through which you can give back to your community and to those in need. It can be overwhelming trying to figure out how to help in meaningful and honest ways; thus, for this reason, non-profits are great agents of change for all types of large and small needs in our world. 

“Changing our World Starts with Changing Theirs” is our motto at New Life Technology Group. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit that has been working for the last 7 years to do our part in reducing e-waste, which has become a prevalent form of waste in our ever-increasing age of technology. With so many different electronic devices that are replaced or broken frequently, e-waste has become an issue none can further avoid. We recycle all electronics to keep them out of our landfills. We will take your unwanted, outdated, & broken electronics. All items donated are 100% reused or recycled!

Why choose us? It’s two-fold. Not only are we helping make our planet a place that is better for our kids, but we are using the things that would go into a landfill and repurposing them for our communities that have need for such technology. If the items can’t be repurposed back into helping kids or schools, they are 100% recycled, leaving that much more room for green space to grow in their place.

How do we do this? Our mission is to help our planet by reducing e-waste and support our community through our Computers For Kids program. We do this by recycling, refurbishing, and redistributing old computers, IT equipment, and other electronic waste. We offer free commercial pickups and accept drop-offs for smaller loads and residential e-waste.

If you’re still wondering exactly how to partner with a charity, here are a few different ways you can get started with us:

1. Monthly donation – You can go to our website and click the link to donations or donate through Amazon Smile. While this requires less effort for the giver, it makes a huge impact for the receiver. 

2. Another way to get involved is by providing a location for a public donation event. A bigger work complex would be ideal for an event, so as to give multiple companies in the surrounding area a chance to come together and use their leverage for good through charity donations.

3. Office or workplace donations boxes are still an easy and effective way to get people to give. In this manner, business owners can place donation boxes in their place of work for company, employee, and even visitor donations. 

For further information please feel free to contact us or check our our FAQs and Services to learn more.

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