How To Host An Electronic Waste Event
It’s As Easy As 1,2,3 …
Three Easy Steps:
1. Pick A Day/Date
It's been our experience that Saturdays are the most successful day to hold an event. If your business has a weekday that makes the most sense of course we can accommodate. We don't recommend holiday weekends as most people are busy or out of town.
2. Pick A Time
If it's a one day event we recommend 2-3 hours blocked off during the day (typically 9am -11 pm or 11 am -1 pm). We can add time if needed.
3. Pick A Place
Typically if your place of business or subdivision is easily accessible, that is the best choice. When considering space allocation we will work with you on the best practices for traffic flow.
1. Pick A Day/Date
It's been our experience that Saturdays are the most successful day to hold an event. If your business has a weekday that makes the most sense of course we can accommodate. We don't recommend holiday weekends as most people are busy or out of town.
2. Pick A Time
If it's a one day event we recommend 2-3 hours blocked off during the day (typically 9am -11 pm or 11 am -1 pm). We can add time if needed.
3. Pick A Place
Typically if your place of business or subdivision is easily accessible, that is the best choice. When considering space allocation we will work with you on the best practices for traffic flow.
We’ll Promote The Event
Simply give us a few weeks notice so that we can successfully promote it via social media channels. We will put up signs just before an event to direct people into the event site. If you have an HOA/company/club newsletter, we can provide a digital ad for you to place in there, and/or give you posters to place at common areas.
Acceptable Electronics
We have this listed on our website. We can also make available a printed list of things that we take and don’t take (see attached sample).
We always accept donations for our Computers for Kids Program, if there are folks that don’t have any e-waste to donate. As a 501 (c) (3) non -profit organization, we rely on the assistance of the community to keep our efforts moving forward. While there is not a fee for holding these E-waste Events*, there are expenses that we incur in serving, so any donation is appreciated. Check out our donation page online.

*For private events, there will be a charge fee of up to $50 per hour. If it’s determined that we have collected enough to waive the cost, we will, and your check or deposit will be returned.